Sunday, August 29, 2010

BMW 3 Series ----- E30 (1983-1992)

The ugliest, the worst designs, stupid, and the most impractical cars of all time were all designed in the 80's.
Mustang went bonkers. All it had to sell was a badge.
Chevy and Ford used metal posts to make cars.
Mercedes quality dropped a 1000 points.
Lancias were made out of cheese.
British Leyland was making cars to compete with their other cars and not other factories!
Lamborghini was getting inspiration from airplane wings to make their cars.
Datsun decided to change their name; wouldn't have been so bad if they hadn't pick a worst name.. Nissan!! Reliant Robbin was one of the fastest selling cars in Northern Europe..
and every factory around the world just simply gave up on health and safety.

Then all of the sudden, a new BMW came out. For the first time, car magazines sold more copies than playboy. The exciting design, the clever interior, the proper use of electronics, sharp upgradable suspension, and best of all the straight v6 engine made the E30 a proper

The first years of production was very successful; then the BMW CEO was introduced to acid, Chinese sex swing, and electronic music. As a result, he decided to hold up a meeting to combine their Formula 1 Motorsport with their production 3 series. The result was the BMW E30 M3, a production car capable of producing over 250 break horsepower and over 170 miles per hour top speed..
By today's standard, that kind of power is something you can get in a Volvo; but back in the 80's 400bhp was enough for the ideal racing formula car.

E30 was an all around performance masterpiece that was actually a very safe car. E30 redefined what automotive engineering was all about.

Heaven to me is doing laps around the Nurburgring in the E30 M3 with racing blue and red Motorsport colors listening to "Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen over and over again.

BMW 3 series ----- E21 (1975-1983)

If all the cars in the world were students at a high school, BMW 3 series would have been the one everyone secretly looked up to.

BMW 3 series first appeared in 1972 as a concept in Detroit. It looked like more polished version of BMW 2002 which was such a popular design due to it's sporty design. The very first 3 series left factory in 1975, E21 was a replacement for the legendary BMW 2002. It sat on the same chassis and had the same engine. It did not win hearts because it smelled like communism. It was made with plastic and thin wood. The leather was like fake and cloth was cheap. E21 was designed to boost up the German's economy, so money was the main concern for the factory. It was the first BMW to be specifically designed for a certain social class.

BMW had announced earlier that year that their new lines of production would include 3, 5, and 7 series. The message was, if you are filthy rich and you wipe your ass with $100 bills, BMW 7 series would be your car of choice. If you are not as rich but you can afford champagne at your celebrations the 5 series would fit you perfect. And if you are a hard working young man, or son of a rich man, or an old man whose life has not turned so well, stop complaining and buy yourself a 3 series.

The first line of production, as mentioned earlier, was called the E21. It was not the prettiest car of all time. Was not designed to win heart. Yet, it had a soul. It was practical and simple. It's chassis came with a suspension that could be easily up graded. Its sharp 4 cylinder engine was designed to be tuned and with a few extra thousand it could turn down Mustangs and Camaros!

After 8 years of none stop sales, the tune ups and aftermarket parts alone for the E21 brought more money for the BMW factory than Toyotas actual cars did for their corporation.

Toyota Prius. Part III

3.. It is good value for the money.

Starting price over $26,000. This price includes a car that is neither luxury, sporty, nor a utility vehicle.

4.. Reliable?

Recent recalls from Toyota proves that even the best can make mistakes. Even the gods can bleed. The complicated 2 motor concept in the Prius, also, can be a problematic design. Most of the Prius on the road today are under warranty; but within a few year, every single one of them would fall into pieces, the batteries would start dying left and right and small petrol motor would not have the torque to tolerate the weight of the death electric engine and the rest of the car so the life-time of the petrol engine would decrease dramatically.
The multi train system would put too much pressure on the transmission as the engines start acting up and thus the owners would have to pay thousands of dollars on repairing the complicated transmission.

Is saving $200 on gas every year worth the price repair costs?
I am starting to see no point in owning a Prius.. As there is no benefit in owning a pet rock..

5.. Exquisite futuristic design?

yeah, no.

6.. Cute?

Owning Toyota Prius is as cute as having a son who is a professional cheerleader. You know he is being trendy and active. But still.. he is a cheerleader!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Toyota Prius, the "pet rock" of our generation. Part 2

Myth number 2:

Toyota Prius is environmentally friendly.

Toyota Prius is made from various recycled materials and they tend to be very good for the environment because they save resources. Also the hybrid dual-drive system pollutes the environment less. The exhaust of the Prius extract very very low CO2 and it does not harm the trees what so ever. Finally a fine machine that is here to save the world.

The world has a stick up its bottom ever since Prius hit the market.

The battery used in Prius that stores energy is no extra ordinary design. There is about 200lbs of nickel used in a single Prius. The nickel comes from a mine in South of Canada. That means million tons of Nickels are being extracted from the EARTH to go into the Prius. The Nickels are then transferred to France where they are processed in a nuclear facility to extract the wasted material.

Then the thousands of tons of nickel are transferred to China where they are mass produced and put into a battery form. After that these batteries are boxed and ready to be shipped to Japan where they are put together into the car.

Due to such factors, this cute and tiny car does more environmental damage than a full size v8 truck.

You may think that things have changed in the third generation Prius.
You are right, they have, more nickel is used in the making of the batteries.

How about the amount of CO2 released in the air? Is that a good enough benefit that we are receiving at such high cost?

Porsche has the technology to create engines that extract 0.00g of CO2. Instead they release H2O, pure water, coming out of their exhaust.

That means Porsche has created an engine that cleans the air as it sails through the highways. A moving filter.

The H2O released in the air will be then transferred into rain, and thus the pollution will be wiped!!!

Also, Porsche 911 turbo uses three times less fuel than the Prius by ration of the engine size.

Is Prius a technological break through or another pet rock? you are the judge.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Toyota Prius, the "pet rock" of our generation. Part 1

Back in 1975, some random sells person came up with this stupid idea to put rocks in a box and sell them in the general market as pet rock. It was a piece of rock, polished, and made to look cute in some ways. The box was colorful with holes in it so that the pet could "breath". It was the perfect pet because it needed no cleaning up or taking care of. It never needed to be taken out to poop or pee. Didn't even had to be fed. It was a piece of rock for god sake.

The idea was as stupid as it could ever get.
However, with the right advertisement this sells man became a millionaire.
He boxed rocks and sold them for $15 each (equivalent of today's money).

It was the most have junk of the year. People wanted the pet rock more than they wanted a pet dog!!! It sold as if it was a necessity of life.

The pet rock was a fashion statement. It was a classic example of American lifestyle. A "look at me, I do fit in too".

Toyota Prius is the pet rock of our generation. A most have accessory of those who wish to conform.

Why do people drive Toyota Prius?
  1. They are good on gas.
  2. They are environmentally friendly.
  3. It is good value for the money.
  4. Reliable.
  5. Cheap to operate.
  6. Exquisite futuristic design.
  7. Practical.
  8. Cute.
Lets have a close look at each point.

1) Prius is advanced with a dual-drive system. It is a hybrid because it has an electric engine as well as a petrol engine. Such feature gives the Prius the advantage of fuel efficacy. But does it?

Toyota claims that Prius gets 46-54 miles per gallon if the car is run on the electric engine.
Put in simple words, the petrol engine runs but enough to fill up the batteries for the electric engine to run the car. All well if the car is driven under 40 miles an hour. Yes you can get 46 miles per gallon.

However, when the car drives faster than 40 miles an hour or the batteries run out of electricity the petrol engine is responsible for driving the car. Therefore, the car turns into an all petrol powered car.

The petrol engine is very small. It varies from 1600cc to 1800 depending on the generation. Therefore, the car consumes on average 31 MPG.

In 20,000 miles, the average gas mileage consumed in highway/city is about 36 MPG.

36 MPG is the kind of gas mileage you can get from almost any modern day small car.

If MPG is your main concern, you may be better off with a VW Golf Diesel. They consume on average 50 MPG.

So Prius is not all that fuel efficient after all.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Lamborghini LM002 VS. Hummer 1

So you guys have chosen Lamborghini LM002 to be reviewed.

Crocodile is from the dinosaurs family. It survived the damage to the earth and has lived through out the years. I as a part of the evolution chain respect crocodile greatly. I think Crocodile has a character more interesting than any other non-human creature. They don't have much of a purpose in life other than lay around, swim in the water, and eat a couple of people yearly; however, they are in potential risk of extinction. Their skin is a fashion statement. Their meat is greatly desired in Arabia. Also Crocodile hunt is considered a high-social class hobby in Africa and America.

Huge cars with great characters are endangered. Ever since communism met environmentalism, huge and dinosaur natured cars were put off production.
The first ones to go were big insane cars like the Lamborghini LM002. A car that had spirit of a mad bull. Lamborghini LM002 was a mixture of insanity and abstract art. Like a mixture of Orange juice and wine. Both acidic, yet very calming drink. I won't be surprised if Lamborghini announced that the sketches of the designs of LM002 were found in Van Gogh's stash.
After LM002, GM set a side to bring the spirit back and make a lot of money by putting the US military car into production. Hummer 1 was bigger than the LM002. It was a war craft other than a motor sport expression. Hummer 1 was the type of dinosaur that ate other mammals; whereas LM002, was a cute dinosaur. The type you wouldnt mind having as pet if they were still around.

In my life time, I may see a day when people go church wearing diamonds that people died for gathering. Wearing real fur jackets and crocodile skin shoes. In my life time I may see a day when people drive to church cars that are built by hardworking men and women who got paid nothing. In my life time I may see Kia's and Hyundai's being sold simply because people are dictated what is best for them. In my life time I may see democracy.

Environmentalist hunt soul. The most animalist basis of human behavior desires a sense of full-fitment. An answer to the statement "what was I put on the planet to do?" may be enough for such full-fitment.

It's drive time, does your ride have a soul?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

RX8 vs. RX7

Mazda RX8 needs no introduction. It is the bastard child of the ultimate drifting machine, the RX7. It has a very light body, very stylish yet sophisticated chassis, and brutal drivetrain. It has an amazing transmission that delivers power smoothly. This car is advanced with one of the most amazing engineering "concepts" ever designed, the rotary engine. In theory the rotary engine gives instant power, whenever needed wherever needed. It is light and small so it would never mess with the overall balance.
RX8 is not only good on paper, it feels amazing to drive. It can go from 0 to 60 in I just pissed my pants. You can go bunkers and drift around the corners or with the high tech traction control you can take corners fast yet stick to the road.
I don't know about you but even thinking about it excites my wedding tackles.

There is only one thing that keeps me from buying a Mazda RX8. One major problem.

This car drives just fine until you hit 10,000 miles, from there on it feels like it has cancer and it is in early stages. Still drives fine but the whole car feels like it is in pain.
At 20,000 as you drive it, it feels like you are dragging something. It feels as if the car is getting fat. The engine will go bad and has to be replaced at some point before 80,000. Some cars don't even make it there.
It will fall apart at 150,000 miles but the drive-train would die long before that.

Mazda RX8 would not be a part of the engineering achievement. It would not be a part of any motor-sports history because it simply would not be remembered.

It is a shame that after designing the RX7, a true masterpiece, Mazda designed such failure. Rx8 is a bastard child of RX7.

Infiniti G35 -- Nissan 350z

French toast.
What a wicked combination. Sliced french baguette soaked in British style scrambled egges then deep fried. Best served with hot syrup and sugar powder. Only available in America!! What an illegitimate food. Very tasty, yet fattening. It is high on cholesterol, sugar, and calories.

Infiniti G35 Coupe. Out dated by the new G37, yet still an eye catcher.
What a wicket combination. Fat french motor with 3500cc engine capacity. Designed by the British designers, put together and sold only in America as a Japanese car!!! What an illegitimate car!
How does it feel to drive? Fat is the right word. It feels like someone who used to run 8 miles a day, then stopped running for a couple of years and got on a high fat diet. He is still strong and can run miles but not quit smoothly. It gribes better than almost any other car of its price range. It looks astonishing and sounds very good. However, it lacks torque. It does not push you back against your car seat when you put your feet down. It does not make your stomach drop. Infiniti G35 along with its sister, the 350z, are cars that had all the right tools but are missing the point. They do not have the lunacy of a Honda S2000 or the Idiocy of WRX STI.They feel like having sex with a girl who has all the right body parts, however, she simply doesn't smell good.

French toast is very tasty, yet you would never want to eat it everyday, for the rest of your life. Infiniti G35 does not make you want to get in it and drive to the end of the world.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bentley Brooklands

"To me, the world is still a play ground. Mother nature needs to feed me or else I lose my mask of sanity. I may burn the whole rain forest to keep warm, or may hundreds of chinchillas die so that I can have a soft and smooth coat." Does this sound like you or someone you know?
Then this is the car for you.

Bentley Brooklands

Bentley Brookland is 6 tons of moving metal that has been given the soul of winston Churchill.

Brooklands is the car to sit in, cruise to the end of the world, get off for a cup of coffee, and cruise back. Brooklands is the largest and the most power coupe' the world has ever seen!! If you saw a really fat person and wanted to describe how fat he was, just say that he was a Brooklands.

This car is for the rich. Not wealthy, not success full, but rich. The one who eats duck eegs and kaviar for breakfast and invites the president over for dinner.

Brooklands' heart pumps 530 BHP and 770 force pound ft of tourque. These numbers are often used in construction machinary not on a road car. Brooklands interior takes months to build.
If there were as many Brooklands on the road as there are Honda Accords, all the cows in the world would have been skinned to cover the leather used in this car.

The only type of people who would have given the Brooklands a go at the presentation confrence had to be 5 year olds on acid. Such mad ideas are often laughed at anywhere other than Bentley.

550 will ever be made over the course of 3 years. Don't try to get a hold of one. They are all already sold out.

Friday, August 28, 2009


About me,

My name is irrelevant. I have a job but it is not my passion. I have sex on regular basis but my satisfaction is not met in bed. I am in medical school but I have no intention to save lives. Mother gave me birth, Father brought food to the table; however, my first word was BENZ.

I.. am a.. Petrol Head.

About this blog,

There will be reviews of cars. I will be writing about good and bad ones. Concept cars won't be left out. I will not be talking much about tuning and mod's, but they will be mentioned here and there, if they interest me. I would not be talking about cars that are out of reach including the Reventon. And no, there won't be any video's!!!


I don't have the money to buy my dream cars. I know when I do, they won't feel the same to look at. They won't feel the same to drive. I will be too old and too scared of dying, too scared of taking a car to it's limit. I know a chained lion is more likely to growl. I want to put in simple words what I go through when I analyze a car in my head. I know I can do this. With your help.
Before every post, I will try to get to test drive the cars.

I have set to make a collection of those ever astonishing cars, online.

Lets go for a ride.
Thank you for reading.

Note, your opinion does not matter. It never did.
Note 2, I have bad grammar.
Note 3, If I offend you in anyway, please pardon, don't send hate notes.
Note 4, If you would like your favorite cars reviewed, please send a comment on a post. (Please send the exact model and year).